Danielle Steel Malice Free Pdf Download

Malice: A Novel


In her 37th bestselling novel, Danielle Steel tells the compelling story of a woman who must struggle to overcome a shattering betrayal, and the cruelest kind of malice.

At seventeen, the night of her mother's funeral, Grace Adams is attacked. It is not the first time, and a brutal crime ensues.

And to everyone's horror, Grace will not tell the truth. She is a young woman with secrets too horrible to tell, with hurts so deep they may never heal. She is also beautiful enough for men to want her no matter how much she does not want them. Whatever the outcome, Grace Adams will have to live with whatever happened during those terrible years. After a lifetime of being a victim, now she must pay the price for other people's sins.

From the depths of an Illinois women's prison to a Chicago modeling agency to a challenging career in New York, Grace must carry the past with her wherever she goes. And in healing her own pain, she reaches out to battered women and children who live a nightmare she knows all too well.

When Grace meets Charles Mackenzie, a New York lawyer, she has found a man who wants nothing from her-except to heal her, to hear her secrets, and to give her the family she so desperately wants. But, with happiness finally within her grasp, and precious loved ones to protect, Grace is at her most vulnerable-in danger of losing everything to a vicious tabloid press and an enemy from her past, an enemy bent on malice at all costs.

With rare insight and power, Danielle Steel writes this extraordinary woman's story, portraying her struggle to triumph over malice and betrayal, and to transform a lifetime of pain into a blessing for others. Revealing both the stark reality of domestic abuse and the healing power of love, Malice, is more than superb fiction. It is a piece of life.

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About the author

Danielle Steel has been hailed as one of the world's most popular authors, with over 650 million copies of her novels sold. Her many international bestsellers include Property of a Noblewoman, Blue, Precious Gifts, Undercover, Country, Prodigal Son, Pegasus, A Perfect Life, and other highly acclaimed novels. She is also the author of His Bright Light, the story of her son Nick Traina's life and death; A Gift of Hope, a memoir of her work with the homeless; and the children's books Pretty Minnie in Paris and Pretty Minnie in Hollywood.


What people think about Malice


Reader reviews

  • Not want u want to read, too disturbing

  • I could not put this book down! I was in live with it as son as I read the 1st page. Every time I turned a page there was another surprise! It was a page turner!

  • Inhaltsangabe:Grace Adams ist jung, hübsch, fleißig und sehr einsam. Gerade erst 17 Jahre alt, verliert sie ihre Mutter, die sie jahrelang aufopfernd gepflegt hat. Ihr Vater, ein hoch angesehener Anwalt und überall beliebtes Gemeindemitglied, begeht einen folgenschweren Fehler: Er vergewaltigt Grace im Bett ihrer Mutter, kaum das diese begraben ist. In ihrer Verzweiflung durch den jahrelangen Mißbrauch fällt ein Schuß und ihr Vater stirbt an seinen schweren Verletzungen. Die Chancen auf einen fairen Prozeß stehen schlecht, dennoch kämpfen der Pflichtverteidiger und eine Psychologin für sie. Nur ihnen vertraut Grace das dunkle Familiengeheimnis an.Im Gefängnis erlebt Grace weitere traumatische Erlebnisse, die sie nur weiter in die Einsamkeit treibt. Als junge und attraktive Frau wird sie schließlich aus dem Gefängnis entlassen. In Chicago möchte sie ein neues Leben beginnen und findet auf Anhieb eine Arbeit in einer Modelagentur. Nebenbei findet sie Trost und Zuflucht in ihrer wohltätigen Arbeit im Frauenhaus. Aufopfernd kümmert sie sich um Menschen, deren Not und Verzweiflung ihr nicht fremd sind. Trotz des positiven Wandels in ihrem Leben erfährt sie eine tiefe Enttäuschung. Sie flieht nach New York und findet dort ein neues Zuhause. Auch dort kümmert sie sich um Bedürftige, dessen Qualen und Demütigungen ihr vertraut sind. Doch in dieser Aufopferung findet sie Trost und Mut, die Vergangenheit allmählich hinter sich zu lassen.Nach einem Überfall, bei dem sie fast stirbt, lernt sie ihren Boss Charles Mackenzie von einer neuen Seite kennen und lieben. Mit Geduld und Liebe gewinnt er ihr Herz und für Grace beginnt ein wundervolles Leben, wonach sie sich immer gesehnt hat. Doch Jahre später, überraschend und gnadenlos, holt die Vergangenheit sie wieder ein, als ihr Mann sich entschließt, in die Politik zu gehen. Der Kampf um die Wahrheit geht erneut los und es droht die Familie zu zerstören.Mein Fazit:Ich habe dieses Buch regelrecht verschlungen. Es ist ein ergreifender Roman um den Kindesmißbrauch, der dazugehörigen falschen Loyalität, Demütigungen und abgrundtiefes Mißtrauen. Gerade in der heutigen Zeit, wo dieses Thema immer wieder an Aktuallität gewinnt, finde ich es überaus bewundernswert, darüber in dieser Form zu schreiben.Danielle Steel hat es in ihrer gewohnt höflichen und distantierten Art geschrieben und dabei auf Kraftausdrücke verzichtet. Auch so konnte man sich das Ausmaß der Demütigungen vorstellen. Dennoch schaffte die Autorin es, daß Buch als mögliche Lösung für jeden einzelnen darzustellen.Anmerkung: Die Rezension stammt aus Juni 1999.Neu veröffentlicht am 22.01.15!

  • Grace Adams is a woman with a past full of deep, dark, hurtful secrets. A stunning beauty, daughter of an influential lawyer, she has spent the last years nursing her dying mother through her final battle with cancer. On the night of her mother's funeral, she is brutally raped by her father and, after years of such repeated abuse, she snaps and kills him. Only 17 years old, she faces the death penalty in a town that is only too willing to believe in and continually perpetrate the supposedly perfect reputation of her father, even if it means prison for Grace. After her release two years later, she tries to pick up the pieces of her life. Eventually, she falls in love with and marries Charles Mackenzie, an up-and-coming politician and they start a family together.During an important campaign, a tabloid releases the sordid story of Grace's past as well as several explicit photos of Grace taken while she was drugged. This leaves their family reeling; with Charles's campaign in shambles and Grace's life crumbling around her. I really enjoyed this book. It was a departure from Danielle Steel's other work and I give it an A+!

  • Seventeen year old Grace Adams on the day of her mother's funeral is attacked, but this isn't the first time she's been attacked by this person, and her struggle leads to drastic measures that land her in jail. After her years spent in jail, she can not get away from the disturbing night of her mothers funeral, and the past struggles seem to follow her everywhere she goes. When the whole world seems against Grace she meets Charlie Mackenzie and live seems to take a turn for the better, but will her past destroy her future?I really thought I was going to LOVE this book from Danielle Steel because from reading the synopsis it sounded completly different then the typical love stories that i have read by her. It seemed darker, more disturbing, and less focused on the aspect of love. As disturbing as this story was, i think it sensationalized all the struggles she went through. If it had focused on the main problem in the story i think it would have been portrayed in a better way. It got to a point where it seemed unbelievable that she was going through another problem. She couldn't even overcome one issue without another issue arising out of nowhere, and that for me made the story lose its impact. As im sure tragedy like this can occur, i just didn't feel the story was very believable.The characters on the other hand i really enjoyed. Grace Adams was such a strong, compassionate and lovable character and you really felt her pain and empathized with her. I think she overcome some really tragic and tough obstacles, and it made me think of what i would have done in her shoes, and if i would have had the strength to overcome all that she did.Overall, i think this book is worth checking out, it is different from any other Danielle Steel novel i've read, and while i couldn't put it down because i wanted to know what happened to Grace, the story just overwhelmed me with tragedy overload.

Source: https://www.scribd.com/book/90223468/Malice-A-Novel

Posted by: williamwilliamyezeke0272927.blogspot.com

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